Sunday, March 27, 2016

1st post ever on my 1st blog ever

It is now almost midnight and Marijana is watching the Voice for the n-th time today, and what I am thinking about is which project could I start working on - FINALLY! Here is a brief summary of my life:
born → elementary school → handball → highschool → drink → smoke → replaced handball with Marijana → bachelor in Croatia → more drinks and smoke → start master in Italy → stop smoke → less drink → Erasmus in Germany for thesis → drink again → get job in Ireland → fail last exam in Italy → move to Ireland → do last exam in Italy → finish writing thesis → finish master → NOW

Somewhere in between "start master in Italy" and "Ersamus in Germany for thesis" I've met people that made me want to do stuff also outside of university. Like really make some small software just for fun or out of curiosity, maybe to see how Python works or what can Raspberry PI be used for. Or maybe just to learn some history, like what is an Applet 😄 Unfortunately, I haven't done any interesting out of university projects so far, but I have now time and will to do many many small projects, starting as soon as possible. I still haven't decided what will it be about, but will investigate soon, decide, make it happen and post it here 😊

Hopefully, after I don't know, let's give it 5 years, I will have around 20 projects here on this blog that were worth sharing. So keeping that in mind, I am going now to check what could my first project be about. My next post will be about it. Post to you soon!